There is a Music
by Katherine L. Gordon
By pan-pipes and Siren symphonies
our feet are led to glades that float
between the spheres of habitation
and imagination.
Not the Zen of meditation that sees or hears
alternate reality amid our fears,
but a music that changes brain patterns
into the realm of Plato’s perfection,
where Adam dwells as archetype
and all things unsullied call to us
in an art we can never fully reconstruct
but ever-try.
Music lifts the weight of seven veils -
leaves us naked to receive, pulse beats a rhythm,
the heart our drum, and we are transported -
hear the spheres in cosmic cadence
thrill to a music that once heard haunts us
through near attainment to the perfection of death
and notes of transformation.
* * * * *
"There is a Music" is from
Katherine L. Gordon's new collection Wing-Wishing: Of
Unicorns, Ravens and Wolves (Melinda
Cochrane Publications Inc., 2019).
Katherine L. Gordon is a poet, publisher, essayist, judge and
reviewer, whose works have been published internationally, translated into
several languages. She is currently the overseas judge for the Reuben Rose
International contest. Her latest book: Caution: Deep Water, HMS
Press, was named among the best reads of 2018 in The Southwest Festival of the
Written Word in the U.S. Her tribute poem to Lawrence Ferlinghetti’s 100th
celebration is published in Italian, a current e-book. She has many books,
chapbooks, anthologies and collaborations with her talented peers who inspire
her work. Publications with Craigleigh Press, Lummox Press, HMS Press,
Cyclamens and Swords Press. She was awarded a certificate from The World
Poetry Society this summer, 2019. Katherine believes poetry is a unifying force
in the world today, with Canadian poetry making a powerful impact. A
review of her work is in the summer issue of Canadian Stories. Her new
book with Melinda Cochrane International Press is Wing-Wishing: of Unicorns,
Ravens and Wolves.
This assaults the senses on so many levels I know I'll be reading it over and over...until it's part of me.