by Marguerite Guzmán Bouvard
Praise the spider's work
of weaving, the monarch butterflies
criss-crossing the frigid air
over continents and the rock worm
laying foundations for the cathedrals
of coral reefs. Praise the loom
that is never stilled
the persistence
and strength of fragility.
* * * * *
"Honoring the Hidden Work" is part of Marguerite Guzmán Bouvard's forthcoming poetry chapbook Shades of Meaning.
Marguerite Guzmán
Bouvard (www.MargueriteGBouvard.com)
is the author of ten poetry books, two of which have won awards, including the
MassBook Award for Poetry. She has also written many non-fiction books on
women's rights, social justice, grief, illness, and "The Invisible Wounds
of War: Coming Home from Iraq and Afghanistan". She is a former professor
of Political Science and Poetry, a former Resident scholar at Women's Studies
Research Center and Environmental Studies at Brandeis University.
Utterly beautiful.