Tuesday 3 November 2020

What's Fixed

by Charlotte Hamrick

My heart and psyche

after too many years
of discontent, when
my way was as lost
as a specter in the house
where it died. 
There is no stability
in this life, no safety net.
But there is the long slow
back rub of time to heal
the broken parts, smooth
over the scars, and newborn
empathy for the woman
who almost didn't make it.

* * * * *

"What's Fixed" was written in response to Dorianne Laux’s “What's Broken.”

Charlotte Hamrick’s creative work has been published in numerous online and print journals, most recently including The Citron Review, Flash Frontier, and Emerge Journal and was a Finalist in Micro Madness 2020. She reads for Fractured Lit and was the former CNF Editor for Barren Magazine. She lives in New Orleans with her husband and a menagerie of rescued pets.