Tuesday 10 August 2021


The Call by Remedios Varo, 1961*

by Karen George

The fire-woman heads for the burial
chamber exit, surges past the gray-green wall
of ancestors—bark bodies fossilizing. Her frame
a towering flow of molten copper garments,
her pointed feet echo triangular tiles
she glides over. Her aura a fever vapor,
effervescent. She self-resurrected, spurred
to step onto the highest rung of essence.
Her hair rises, a blaze, a reverse lightning strike,
its tip licks Jupiter spinning in the night sky,
harnesses its velocity, magnetism,
its moon’s 400 volcanoes.

* * * * *

Here is a link to "The Call by Remedios Varo, 1961:" https://www.wikiart.org/en/remedios-varo/the-call

Karen George is author of poetry collections from Dos Madres Press: Swim Your Way Back (2014), A Map and One Year (2018), and forthcoming Where Wind Tastes Like Pears. Her work appears or is forthcoming in in Adirondack Review, Valparaiso Poetry Review, Sheila-Na-Gig OnlineMom Egg Review, Gyroscope Review, and I-70 Review. She reviews poetry at Poetry Matters: http://readwritepoetry.blogspot.com/. Her website is: https://karenlgeorge.blogspot.com/

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